About Me

Evan Simon Ross

Evan Simon Ross is as ESL instructor working at Be Fluent NYC in Manhattan. He specializes in pronunciation and teaching comparative grammar to adult students, especially those whose first language is Japanese.

Evan studied full-stack web development at the first-ever Columbia University Coding Bootcamp, and this page is the record of his homework assignments and group projects produced during that program. Please check the navigation bar at the top of the screen to check out the Web Development and Offline Utilities he created at the bootcamp!

To see Evan's current projects, please visit his personal webpage at evansimonross.com.

Selected Projects


A group project by Evan Simon Ross, Katherine He and Jano Roze.

A tool for New Yorkers to easily access the health inspection data on restaurants in their area. To use this app, simply input a search and hit enter! The restaurant list appears as a list of cards on the left side of the screen, and as markers on the map.

GitHub Repo

Pronunciation Quiz

This web application was designed to help my ESL students get practice recognizing the differences between distinct phonemes in English that are tricky for non-native speakers to hear. Students can select a group of sounds they want to practice, and then several audio quizzes will show how well they can distinguish those sounds.

GitHub Repo

Code Penguin

A group project by Evan Simon Ross, Cefi Menda, Katherine He and Sandy Yeung.

Dedicated to requesting, creating and trading solutions to coding conundrums, and built on Holochain. Members of the Code Penguin community contribute to our closed economy by exchanging "Pebbles", so named for penguins' habit of giving each other pebbles as gifts.

GitHub Repo

Oden Simulator

An educational app to simulate eating the traditional Japanese wintertime dish known as oden. It is an MVC app created with MySQL, Express and Handlebars. Please enjoy the app, and try finding some delicious oden this winter!

GitHub Repo